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Bodø City Hall // Bodø, NO // 2016

The starting point for the design of the new Bodø City hall was to create a cluster of smaller building volumes, instead
of a larger single volume that would appear out of scale with the surrounding context of smaller buildings and houses.
The building is designed as a constellation of individual ‘building blocks’, each oriented to frame key views across
the city, and to draw views into the depths of the building throughout the day. The building is constructed using a
highly sustainable system of Cross laminated timber panels. These are composed of off cut pieces of timber that would
normally be discarded, and then glued together into panels. The new development establishes an architectural identity
through a considered selection of stone finished exteriors, timber-clad interiors, and delicate metal detailing. Varied
in tone, this palette of stone refers explicitly to the traditional material qualitites of municipal institutions
and the specific integrity of the existing buildings, but is playfully reinterpreted in its varied composition across the
contemporary form of the new building, affording each block a defined and powerful presence within the city.

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